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New Building Construction Accidents

If you work in the construction industry, new building construction accidents are likely one of your worst fears. Construction can be a safe career when your supervisors follow regulations and take proper precautions. However, when things go horribly wrong, the results can be tragic.

What causes a construction accident?

When you're working on a new construction build, there are a lot of ways that an accident can occur. Sometimes, the site supervisors don't take enough precautions when you're working with heavy machinery. You might be the victim of bad building plans that result in a fall. Injuries can also happen when scaffolding fails, when your employer doesn't provide appropriate safety equipment and when your employer doesn't follow rules and regulations.

You don't have to be a construction worker in order to suffer from this type of accident. If you're a visitor to the work site, a site owner or an inspector, you can become the victim of an accident. Even if this is the case, you might have a legal case for damages that resulted from your accident.


Your legal rights

If you or a loved one is hurt in a construction accident, you may have a legal right to compensation. New York law calls for people who are hurt in construction accidents to recover financial compensation for their damages. There are several types of damages that you might be able to recover such as payments for your medical bills, your lost ability to work and even punitive damages in some cases.

When you have a new building construction injury, it's important to work with an expert construction injury attorney. An attorney can help you decide if you're entitled to compensation. They can help you make a game plan to file your case and pursue everything that you deserve.

You shouldn't assume that the accident was your fault. You also shouldn't assume that you can't receive compensation if you might have done something differently before the accident occurred. It's the court's job to decide who is at fault and how much each side is at fault. A qualified attorney can help you evaluate your case and decide on the best course of action.

Why work with us

At Jeffrey J. Shapiro and Associates, we're the experts in new building construction accidents. We take pride in helping our clients exercise their legal rights and build a strong case for court. It's important to work with a team of leading construction injury attorneys because this type of case is often complicated. Your attorney needs to investigate the accident scene, gather eyewitness statements and evaluate the applicable laws and regulations. It's our job to make this process as seamless as possible for our clients.

Let us show you why our construction law clients are highly satisfied. We look forward to meeting with you to talk about your case. Call us today to set up a no-obligation meeting with our construction law team.