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Construction Site Machinery Accident

Working in the field of construction is challenging and dangerous. While many different things can lead up to an accident on the job, many occur while workers are operating or using machinery. If you have been hurt in a New York construction accident, it may be helpful to consult a personal injury lawyer.

Common Construction Accidents

The most common machinery accidents among construction workers today are:

  • Machines Tipping Over
  • Nail Gun Incidents
  • Falling From Cranes Or Bulldozers
  • Being Crushed Under Machines Or Trucks

Types Of Injuries

The most common injuries in personal injury law cases among construction workers are:

  • Brain Injuries
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Fractures
  • Broken Bones
  • Crush Injuries
  • Amputations
  • Burns

Statistics have shown that many workers injured in a construction site machinery accident develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. This condition is very serious and requires treatment along with any physical injuries sustained.

How Can A Lawyer Help?

Hiring a lawyer to help you obtain a financial settlement after a construction site machinery accident may increase your chances of getting a fair settlement. Your lawyer may do the following things to prove your case:

  • Hire Accident Investigators
  • Review All Accident Reports
  • Request Your Medical Records
  • Speak With Your Doctors About Your Prognosis
  • Negotiate A Settlement
  • File Your Personal Injury Case In Court


While there is no way to determine exactly what type of damages you may win in a lawsuit, they may include:

  • Lost Income
  • Emotional Distress
  • Pain And Suffering
  • Unpaid Medical Bills
  • Cost Of Therapy

If the accident caused you to be injured severely leading to disability, you may also be awarded future lost wages. This is meant to provide compensation for earnings you would have made over your career but no longer can because of the accident.

Being involved in a construction site machinery accident is a frightening time. However, you can ease the stress and anxiety by hiring one of the experts at Jeffery J. Shapiro And Associates to represent you. Knowing you have one of the most well respected New York law firms working for you will give you peace of mind as you move forward.