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Ladder Accidents

The Dangers of Ladders

Ladders are tools that are used in a variety of occupations such as construction. Even though they are relatively simple to use, they can still cause an injury. Ladders have been around for hundreds of years, they can be dangerous if they are not used or maintained properly.

It is estimated that 500,000 people are treated at the hospital each year for a ladder each injury. Ladder injuries also cause 300 deaths per year. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration sets guidelines for safely using a ladder. This includes things such as the following:

  • Never walking on a ladder
  • Wearing rubber-soled shoes and protective clothing
  • Facing the ladder when going up or coming down
  • Inspecting the ladder before it is used
  • Tying the ladder down when it is being transported
  • Not allowing more than one worker to climb the ladder at one time
  • Keeping the ladder free of dirt, oil and hazards
  • Carrying tools in your pouch when climbing the ladder
  • Never using a defective ladder


ladder accidents

What Causes Ladder Injuries?

Forty-two percent of the people were on the ladder during the time that they were injured. Sixty-nine percent of the people who suffered a ladder injury were not properly-trained to use one. Nineteen percent of ladder injuries occurred as the result of a defective ladder. Fifty-three percent of the ladder injuries occurred because the ladder was not properly-secured. Fifty-three percent of the ladder injuries occurred because the ladder broke while the person was using it.

These statistics show that the majority of ladder accidents can be prevented. That is why it is important to adhere to the safety recommendations.

Serious Ladder Injuries

Fractured bones, traumatic brain injuries, back injuries, neck injuries and electrical burns are some of the most common injuries. In many cases, these injuries can result in extended hospital stays and long recoveries. Many people are unable to work, which can put a financial strain on one's family.

Reasons to Contact an Attorney

There is a risk of injury every time that you get on a ladder. However, many ladder accidents occur as the result of negligence. For example, a defective ladder is an example of negligence because the ladder should have been maintained. You should contact Jeff Shapiro if you are in need of an attorney. You can get compensated for the injuries that you suffered.