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Falling Debris Accident

What Can Cause a Falling Debris Accident?

Large trucks carry many types of cargo on the highway. There are state and federal regulations that regulate the amount of weight that can be carried on tractor-trailors and big rig trucks. If the cargo is not properly secured, then it can easily fall of the truck. The following can happen if debris falls off of the truck:

  • The debris can roll off and hit another truck or car.
  • Toxic chemicals can be released into the air.
  • Slippery and dangerous road conditions can be created
  • A driver may cause an accident by attempting to swerve out of the way of a falling object.

The driver of the truck may be held responsible for a falling debris accident if the cargo was not properly-secured. They may also be required to compensate the victims for their injuries.

New York Construction Accident Lawyer

Because a falling debris accident usually occurs as the result of negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Negligence is defined as failing to act with reasonable care. Truck drivers are supposed to exercise a certain amount of before, during and after their trip. In addition to making sure that the load is properly-secured, they are supposed to check it periodically. They will need to make adjustments in order to ensure that the cargo remains fastened.

Evidence can be lost or tampered with after an accident. That is why it is imperative that you contact an attorney shortly after your accident. However, if the other party is caught tampering with evidence, then this can be used against them in court.

If you have a loved one that died as the result of a falling debris, then you can also contact an attorney. You may be able to get compensated for your loved one's funeral costs and medical expenses. It is important to remember that there are limits that are placed on when you can file a personal injury compensation claim. The Statute of Limitations in New York is three years. Unfortunately, you will not be able to pursue legal action after this.

If you are looking for an attorney who can help you file a claim, then you will need to contact Jeff Shapiro. Our firm proudly serves people who are in the New York City area. Our goal is to help you get the maximum compensation possible.