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Construction Site Trench Accidents

Any construction worker will tell you just how dangerous their job is. Stastics show that construction site trench accidents is one of the leading causes of death among construction workers in the United States. Below is an overview of these accidents and how accident victims may be able to obtain compensation for injuries through a personal injury lawsuit.

Accident Causes

While trench accidents can occur many different ways, some of the most common include:

  • Failure To Monitor Foul Weather Conditions
  • Not Installing Escape Ladders
  • Improper Employee Safety Training
  • Improper Sloping
  • Dropping Tools Inside The Trench From Above

Working in trenches increases the risk of construction worker death or serious injury substantially. Being successful in a personal injury case hinges upon the injured worker's ability to prove employer carelessness or negligence.


Accident Injuries

There are many different scenarios that can lead to injuries in trench collapse accidents. Some of the most common include:

  • Drowning
  • Electrocution
  • Suffocation
  • Shock
  • Head Injuries

The above injuries can range from moderate to life threatening. If you or a loved one has been hurt in this manner, contact a lawyer today to learn what options are available to you under the law.


If you are awarded a settlement, you may receive money for accident related expenses and damages such as:

  • Lost Wages
  • Doctor Bills
  • Hospital Fees
  • Cost Of Occupational, Physical Or Speech Therapy
  • Cost Of Home Health Care
  • Mental Anguish
  • Pain And Suffering

In many cases, workers are disabled after the accident and are unable to return to work. These workers may receive money for future lost wages to compensate them for the money they can no longer earn over their career. Those who are able to work, but not in the same capacity may receive a partial future lost wages settlement.

Construction site trench accidents are traumatic for the victim and their family. If you were hurt in this manner, contact the New York law offices of Jeff J. Shapiro for a consultation and review of your case. After speaking with a lawyer, you will know if you have a valid claim and if you should move forward with fiing a personal injury lawsuit in civil court.